Dear Praying Friends,
We hope you had a good Thanksgiving weekend, with some time for rest and relaxation, but also with some time for grateful reflection. As we reflect on all that we have to be thankful for, we are overwhelmed with God’s grace to us, both individually and as a family.
We thank God first and foremost for the underserved gift of salvation we have received through the finished work of Jesus. Without this, all would be meaningless and empty! We’re thankful for God’s leading in our lives, placing within our hearts a desire to serve Him in Knysna. Following Him in this endeavor has only begun, but it has already been an incredible growing and learning experience for each of us.
We are also thankful for family. This past weekend brought us a chance to see over thirty of our extended family members, celebrating my (George’s) father’s retirement after forty-four years in pastoral ministry. It was amazing to witness the impact he has had on so many people over these years. We thank God for using him so effectively and for allowing him to finish his formal ministry well.
Finally, we want to thank each one of you for your continual prayer on our behalf. As we move nearer to our departure for Knysna, we know that you are fighting for us on your knees, asking God to prepare us and provide for us on this journey. We are humbled by your willingness to take the time to intercede for us. Thank you for caring about us, about what God has called us to do, and about the indispensable role you play on our team!
With humble gratitude,
The Coon Family